Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Make it Growwwwwwwwwwwwww

I've always been an impatient girl. I want things right now! I wanted to be a tap expert the day after my first lesson, I wanted to be fluent in a language in the matter of a few weeks, I wanted to complete and start my career in hair before I started cosmetology school. I really don't like to think of it as impatient, however; more passionate than anything else.

Well, that also applies in the growing out process of my hair.

 I feel like the length of my hair has been at a standstill for almost two years. TWO YEARS!?!?!?!? Wwwwwwhhhhhyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy? Ugh. Am I cutting it too often? Nah. Maybe cutting too much off when I do get haircuts? Could be. Doing things to my hair that I wouldn't do on my clients? Absolutely. (Ha ha there it is..)

So let me do something else to my hair that Ive never really done before ... EXTENSIONS!!!!

DUDES!!! I live in a world of instant gratification! I am a product of the booming technologically advancing generation! NOW GIVE ME MY LONG HAIR!!!!

My lovely co-worker, Rebecca, at Salon Paisley, transformed me! I've had them in for a couple of weeks and love them!
There is just one problem, I want them to be real! ha ha oh lord, the growing out continues. :)


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